BARNARD - Gerald Austin Barnard, 16, a student at Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho, NM, died in a car accident Friday, March 12, 2010. He played football for the high school team and was actively involved in serving the Lord at New Life Baptist Church in San Ysidro, NM. Austin is survived by his parents, Doug and Roberta Barnard; brothers, Douglas and Troy; sister, Reagan; grandparents, Evalynn Barnard, Jack Barnard, and Robert and Jean Thompson; uncle, J. Wayne Barnard, Jr.; aunts, Amy Gallegos and her children, Tyler Nafus and Jocelyn Gallegos, Tiffanie Thompson and her son, Bear Thomas Aragon, and Cheryl Thompson; and extended family from Albuquerque, NM, Naschitti, NM, Globe, AZ, and Cherokee, NC. Austin was preceded in death by his great grandparents, Jack and Wanda Barnard, Woodrow and Evalynn Horton, Jefferson and Geneva Thompson, and Tom and Francis Wilson. The family is requesting that attendees wear green and no ties. Flowers and cards may be sent to the church. Donations for the family may be made to: First Community Bank Rio Rancho, telephone: 505-241-7590; the account name is: Carrie Bradley for the benefit of Austin Barnard. Austin’s care has been entrusted to: Daniels Family Funeral Services
2400 Southern Blvd SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
(505) 891-9192